G&P 公司活动和新闻

Motor industry executive completes gruelling charity cycling endeavour

发布者:Maria Holmes-Keeling

£212,000 raised overall for Leukaemia research £2,300 personally raised by Geoff Cousins, chairman, G&P More than 150 cyclists, ride captains, and support crew made the journey Geoff Cousins, current chairman of quality management provider G&P, as well as at cancer charity Cure Leukaemia, has successfully completed an exhilarating charity cycle ride from London to Paris […]

26 Jun 23

案例分析: 供应商能⼒提升 – G&P 为⼯业发动机制造企业管理和提升供应商能⼒提供⽀ 持

发布者:Maria Holmes-Keeling


⼀家在英国、欧洲、南美和亚洲拥有多个⽣产基地的全球⼯业发 动机制造商发现他们有些供应商的产品质量低于预期,已严重影 响了制造商的⽣产流程并造成了停线损失。

其中⼀个已被列为重⼤⻛险供应商,因为他们的⼆级供应商始终 未能及时将多个部件的原始铸件交付给他们的⼯⼚进⾏加⼯。另 外因为相关产品设计变更需要对其中两个未交付的零件进⾏提前 备货,这导致供应商的⽋交的情况进⼀步复杂化。

G&P的任务是与供应商以及他们的⼆级供应链⼀起合作,尽快恢 复他们的内部管控和交付。

19 Apr 23

案例: 供应商审核 – G&P协助航空航天供应商实现零缺陷的⽬标

发布者:Maria Holmes-Keeling


⼀家在北美、欧洲和亚洲都有⽣产设施的全球家居⽤品制造商对 其现有的供应链和⼀些新的供应商计划开展供应商审核⾏动。

因为⼀些供应商位于客⼾⽬前未覆盖的区域且此客⼾曾与G&P有 过很好的合作经历,所以客⼾联系G&P来协助其进⾏供应商审 核。

31 Mar 23

New service launched to help resolve quality issues throughout the supply chain

发布者:Maria Holmes-Keeling

Leading quality management specialist, G&P, has launched a new service designed to help manufacturers identify and eliminate potential quality issues before they impact production. Supplier quality issues in automotive, aerospace, off-highway and other manufacturing supply chains cause regular disruptions to build processes and end product quality levels. The new service aims to identify potential issues […]

21 Feb 23


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